Eric Melka

 A compassionate coach, trusted advisor, inspired listener,

life-long learner and committed friend.

Contact Eric


Eric is an experienced business coach dedicated to helping entrepreneurs build companies that not only become as successful as possible, as quickly as possible, but also reflect the passion and values behind the original business ideas.

Teaching leadership skills that help entrepreneurs focus on long-term success from a more holistic approach.

Eric coaches leadership teams on how to stay aligned with their their companies’ purposes and their own passions behind the work. It’s all about creating successful businesses while leading with heart.



Eric may not realize just how charismatic he is while speaking to a group, whether it’s in a small conference room or large auditorium. But those who attend one of his talks or presentations are quickly impressed by his enthusiasm and passion. Eric challenges audiences to believe in themselves, delivering ideas and stories that energize and impart life skills that transform listeners. Eric opens up to attendees in hopes that they will learn to follow their heart and pursue their own passions.


Eric has a proven track record as an advisor. He is the founder of several businesses, a three-time turnaround executive and an award-winning CEO. His many successes in the business world have much do to with his hands-on approach, which is both practical and strategic to ensure the most success possible. Eric’s accomplishments speak for themselves; he knows what it takes to lead people and organizations through growth, turbulence and change, all while leading with heart.

    About Eric

    Eric is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs build sustainable companies

     Throughout his career, Eric has always followed his own dreams. He would love to coach you and your companies to reach yours, and to create success while maintaining your core ethics and values. And believe it or not, the key to that is more obvious than it may seem.

    What people are saying

    Eric has an amazing ability to ‘get’ your business quickly – his recommendations were bang on.

    Eric is a passionate, inspiring and motivating speaker – and you learn a lot.”

    Reach Eric

    Want to learn more? Call or email Eric today to learn how you can lead with heart.


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