
Whether speaking to a small conference room or large auditorium,

Eric’s charisma is undeniable, he seems to easily connect with

the people in any room. Eric challenges audiences to believe

in themselves, delivering ideas and stories that energize and

impart life skills. He opens up to attendees in hopes that they

will learn to follow their own hearts.


A born storyteller, Eric loves sharing his own stories and listening to others. After all, it’s often our stories that inspire our business ideas, so why not pay attention to them and the life lessons they have to offer?

He wants to help us all imagine the possibilities in store for our own lives, and the businesses that stem from our hearts, our ideas and our own every day stories.

Eric is a passionate straight shooter, ready to tell like it is, in order to reach his own goals and help others reach theirs. He’s extroverted yet introspective, inspirational and entertaining, with a razor sharp wit and a true way with words.

He is undeniably charismatic, whether speaking to a small conference room or large auditorium, but it’s not salesman talk that comes from his mouth; it’s an unwavering desire to help others rise to the top in both their professional and personal lives. He’s not style without substance; he just likes to share his knowledge of the business world with others so that everyone has the tools they need to reach their full potential.

He shares practical advice, easy-to-understand tools that you can immediately apply to your own companies and shares personal stories that will inspire you to write your own.

Eric speaks from the heart, so that others can learn how they, too, can lead with heart.

Eric on Business Strategy

Eric Melka – Entrepreneurs

Eric Melka – Values

Eric Melka – Speaker

Speaking Services

Eric has a broad repertoire of speaking subjects, but here are some of his most sought after themes – each one modified to meet the needs of each audience.


  • Turnarounds in business – changing problems into shareholder value.
  • Every sale is a change for the better – always be selling.
  • Re-inventing yourself and your career – a change for the better.
  • How to embrace change and channel it for the good of the business.
  • The changing workplace – the impact of next generation employees.
  • Corporate social responsibility – changing the world.
  • Changing your management team for the better.
  • Creating a culture of change.
  • The critical importance of diversity – more women, more youth needed.

What people are saying

I love how he uses stories – makes everything easy to absorb.

Eric’s sincere, direct and no-nonsense delivery made for a very inspiring talk

Reach Eric

Want to learn more? Call or email Eric today to learn how you can lead with heart.



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